Monday, March 3, 2008

Steamy Bangkok

Thai Airways did a spectacular job of transporting us 12 hrs north east (6 time zones) to Bangkok. We stepped out of airport at 22:30 into 33C evening breeze. After an eager driver failed at stuffing all of us and our luggage into his Corolla, we managed to commandeer a new minivan cab. Even after reading online about all the taxi ripoffs and what not to do or say we still payed way too much.

It is difficult to get upset though when the 42k trip to our hotel totaled just over $18Cdn. Since landing we've both agreed that sometimes, though always expected, bargaining is just a little embarrassing. Sometimes I just don't give a Baht .... it's just too hot to bother saving 50 cents on some Pad Thai street side on Kaho San Rd.

We visited the Grand Palace today.

WOW! Quite the visual feast.

We are not wearing iPods in the pics ... rented audio tour equipment to try to assist the lay person appreciate the grandeur and history of what is standing before us.

Did I mention it is HOT here?

BOSgone (for a cold beer)


cruz4him said...

did we mention how C-C-COLD it is here?!?!?

Sonya said...

Snowing like crazy here in Pine Hill.